A Golf Swing Guide – What You Need To Know Before Going For A Ball

golf swing guide

A good golf swing guide will help to put you on the right track to success. A golf swing guide can teach you correct fundamentals of the golf swing. Not only will they help you with your physical stance, grip, alignment and planning for the shot, but also how to mentally approach each shot. There are three stages of the golf swing – pre-swing, swing and post-swing.

In the starting stage of the swing, the backswing is the time when you stand over from the ball to address it. Stand straight with both feet apart and line up directly opposite each other with a good angle for the shot. Then, turn your left foot slightly and make sure that it points towards the target. Your left foot needs to be bent just enough to allow it to move easily while your right foot has to be straight, but not too much.

Your club should be slightly dimples apart as a golf club needs to have at least two to three pounds of weight resting on it. It is best if you use an iron club rather than a putter because the impact of a putter is so much more on the spine and thighs whereas the impact of an iron club is dispersed across the whole body. Ensure that the club is directly opposite you when going back to the ball. If the club is too far back, you may find it difficult to hit the ball.

Your next action after standing over the ball to address it is the backswing. Make sure that your right shoulder is relaxed and your hips are still uncrossed. It is best if your left shoulder is slightly bent at the waist as this helps to swing the club in a straight line which reduces the impact on your spine. When you take your club back to your body, do not cock your wrists. A right wrist cocking is the cause of most injury in terms of golfing as well as other sports. If the wrists cock naturally during the backswing, then do not worry about it.

The final part of the backswing is the downswing where the club is swung to the ball and comes to an end. Your grip should be relaxed at first and then should be a little rough with a palm to palm grip. The right handed players have to grip the club in a reverse to the normal grip as this is more common in right-handed people. A normal grip is made by placing the pinkie finger of the right hand between the index finger and middle finger of the left hand.

As you come down from the top, the hips should also be pushed back slightly. You can lift your shoulders to increase your club head height. The last part of the backswing involves tucking in your shoulder as you swing towards the ball. Remember, all the muscles of the body need to work together in order to hit the ball with maximum power and distance.